A.R.T For Hope Study

Learn more about this study
We are a team of researchers from the University of Kentucky and the University of Georgia inviting Black female same-sex couples in KY, NC, and GA to participate in the study screener for the ART for Hope Study.
- Identify as a Black cisgender woman
- In a relationship with a Black cisgender woman
- Currently using ART or have in the past regardless of if it resulted in a pregnancy
- Must live in Georgia
- Willing to travel to the Atlanta area for an in-person interview
- Willing to be audio and video recorded
By conducting this study, we want to learn more about the assisted reproductive technology (ART) lived experiences, challenges, and sources of social support of Black female same-sex couples. This screener is for determining your eligibility. If eligible, you will be contacted by a research team member to schedule your in-person interviews. Participation consists of a 1-1.5 hour in-person couple interview immediately followed by 30-minute individual interviews.
Participants will receive $75 each for completing both interviews.
If you agree to participate in the study screener, you will be asked to respond to questions about you and your partner’s eligibility, socio-demographics (e.g., your age, ethnicity), ART experiences (e.g., how long have you been in a relationship and when is the last time you used ART), and contact information. The screener will take about 10 minutes to complete. Your total participation time is once, and you must complete the screener in one sitting.
We hope to hear from 30 Black women (15 couples).