Sex Work Pride Day 2021:Global Network of Sex Work Projects': Sex Workers' Lack of Justice Access

Sex Worker Pride Day
Today, September 14th, is Sex Worker Pride Day. Sex workers, who are overwhelmingly women, are subject to harsh violence, legal oppression, and violent stigma. Because of this, sex workers are some of the most vulnerable people in our society. Not only do they face the risk of facing violence, exploitation, and abuse, but they are also at much greater risk for contracting HIV and STD's.
Sex workers deserve the same dignity, respect, and health that all human beings are entitled to regardless of their profession, sexual orientation, or sexual practices. To learn more about the barriers to justice, read the Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) "Community Guide: Sex Workers’ Lack of Access to Justice" below.
Originally published on the Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) website.
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